Next week, families across America will celebrate Thanksgiving with multiple generations at the table. This…
Are You Able to Help?
As a business owner, you typically know a lot about the service you offer. You were so confident in your ability to do a particular thing that you have opened up a place of business to allow others to come to you for help. Dry cleaning, financial help, buying and selling, or whatever it may be, is what you know how to do.
You start to get momentum and you hire employees to help you provide these services to your market. This brings in more challenges than you might have bargained for. You have not only brought people into your business, you have brought their personalities, their learning styles, and their communication styles. Are you ready for this?
Are you frustrated when the people you are trusting to run your business run into a road block and can’t seem to make the right decisions to continue providing service to your customers? Are you able to help them? Do you know the best way to communicate a solution to them that will result in a fix not just for this instance, but for the next time as well? Do you know how they will take your feedback, or do they get sensitive and upset? Are you able to help them get to where you want them to be? Are these frustrations hurting your business?
There are solutions to these challenges, but sometimes we’re too close to the challenge to see our way to the solutions. Taking a look from the outside in might be a good option; an opportunity to see how to handle situations in new ways. New strategies could avoid hurt feelings and severed business ties. Are you up for the challenge to get help before you need it?