It’s wonderful to have a vision with far reach and tremendous impact. It’s great to…
Final 40 Days of 2014
What will you do with them? Of course, we’ll have holidays and winter activities, perhaps some personal reflection and social events. Dances and gift exchanges, church services and retreats, family gatherings and visiting relatives, all are a part of December traditions. And too, there is an opportunity to build momentum for the new year, not by declaring resolutions or setting goals for next year. . . by keeping an eye on this year’s goals and investing in a final push to achieve them!
I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who sometimes uses holidays as an excuse to write off this year’s goals earlier than absolutely necessary. And I know myself well enough to know that if I’ve already decided I’m not going to hit the mark, I decide I might as well shift my attention now to a new goal I think I can make. The result? A slowdown, a distraction, a long winter’s nap that it’s hard to recover from. And THAT result will NOT get me where I want to go.
The energy, and results of achieving my personal and business goals will always provide momentum and fuel and enthusiasm for what’s next. I’m pretty sure the best start I can give to 2015 is a successful conclusion to 2014. Here is my holiday toast to you: “In the final 40 days of 2014, I will be focused on achieving the goals I set out for 2014!” I wish you all the best success in pursuit of your dreams.